Workbook in Everyday Spanish: A Comprehensive Grammar Review

Categories: Language Learning: Texts, Methods

Author: Andújar, Julio I.; Robert J. Dixson

Girol Number: 3066

ISBN: 978-0-13-182514-7

Publisher: Pearson; Prentice Hall

Location: New York

Year: 2004

Condition: New

Binding: Paperback

Organized into one- or two-page worksheets that present a topic and provide practice, Workbook in Everyday Spanish is a tried and true approach to reviewing grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. It includes clear and concise explanations in English of key grammatical points followed by straightforward examples that guide users through the accompanying exercises. The topics are then reinforced in self-contained review sections, followed by a word game (Buscapalabras) that keeps readers’ interest level high. For employees in organizations and businesses where a working knowledge of Spanish grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure is necessary.

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