Vuelo 505 con destino a Caracas (Level B1)

Categories: Language Learning: Graded Readers, Abridged editions

Author: Miquel, Lourdes; Neus Sans

Girol Number: 4095

ISBN: 978-84-87099-10-6

Publisher: Difusión

Location: Barcelona

COLLECTION VENGA A LEER [Spain: Ed. Difusion, pbk]

Graded readers with 6 levels of difficulty each with explanatory notes on the cultural references plus exercises to facilitate comprehension. Some titles such as these in the Lola Lago series are also available with audio CDs.

Serie Primera Plana

This series relates the different conflicts faced by a group of journalists.


La portavoz del gobierno español admite que tienen sospechas de que haya espías infiltrados en el gobierno. Los periodistas de la agencia Primera Plana investigan el caso. (Nivel 2)

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