Social and Literary Satire in the Comedies of Tirso de Molina

Categories: Literary Criticism

Author: Halkhoree, P. R. K.

Girol Number: 4502

ISBN: 0-919473-60-1

Publisher: Dovehouse

Location: Ottawa, Canada

Year: 1989

Collection: Ottawa Hispanic Studies 5

Editor: José M. Ruano de la Haza; Henry W. Sullivan

Originally written twenty years ago as a doctoral dissertation directed by Alexander A. Parker, Premraj Halkhoree’s Social and Literary Satire in the Comedies of Tirso de Molina, now newly edited and abridged, remains unsurpassed in detail and scope as the most painstaking analysis to which Tirso’s dramatic craftsmanship has ever been submitted. The work is rich in thoughtful suggestions and acute insights and represents a substantial and original contribution to our understanding of Tirso’s dramatic art and to our knowledge of Golden-Age drama. The following comedies are discussed in detail in this volume: Don Gil de las calzas verdes, La celosa de sí misma, El amor médico, Marta la piadosa, El melancólico, and Esto sí que es negociar, Amar por arte mayor, Mari-Hernández la gallega, and Antona García.

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