¡Con golpes no! Desciplina efectiva y amorosa para criar hijos sanos

Categories: General Interest, Self-help, Cooking

Author: Chávez, Martha Alicia

Girol Number: 12148

ISBN: 978-607-313-172-8

Publisher: Grijalbo

Location: México, D.F.

Year: 2015

Edition: 1.ed.

Condition: New

Binding: Paperback

Comienza Martha Alicia Chávez: «Porque golpear a un niño es un abuso, y en el abuso infantil todos sufren: los hijos, y sin duda también los padres. Nada se gana y mucho se pierde. Porque cada niño que deje de ser golpeado, tendremos muchas más probabilidades de verlo convertirse en un adulto bueno, sano y feliz.» Esas frases son el motor que impulsa a la autora para que de una vez por todas comprendamos que educar con límites no es educar con golpes, y nos da las herramientas para criar a nuestros hijos de una manera efectiva y amorosa.
Effective, loving discipline for raising healthy children. Martha Alicia Chávez begins: «Because striking a child is abuse, and in child abuse, everyone suffers: the children and certainly also the parents. Nothing is gained and much is lost. Because every child who is no longer hit will be much more likely to become a good, healthy, happy adult». In Martha Alicia Chávez’s classic style, No Hitting! is a book that reminds us through the cases presented that the pain and scars that remain when parents mistreat their children are indelible, and cause harm not only in the abused children’s self-esteem, but that they also end up thinking that loving entails hurting. With her warm voice, the author reveals the consequences of child abuse, and of course, offers us an array of tools so that we no longer have the pretext of a spanking at the right time. On the contrary, she teaches us that imposing discipline, setting limits, and truly demonstrating love can be done in many different ways.
Martha Alicia Chávez is a recognized psychotherapist, speaker, and writer. She is considered an authority on topics relating to child rearing and parent-child relationships. Numerous health professionals use her books as a basis for their therapy work, courses, and workshops. Her works are obligatory in the libraries of several universities and educational institutions. The positive impact that she generates comes from vast professional experience and from an honest commitment to her own interior growth.

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