Symbiosis in Prose: An Anthology of Short Fiction (in English)

Categories: Best Sellers in translation to Spanish

Author: Díaz, Luciano (ed.)

Girol Number: 1093

ISBN: 1-895006-77-5

Publisher: Split Quotation; La Cita Trunca

Location: Ottawa, Canada

Year: 1992

Edition: 1st

Illustrator: Cover design and layout Honz Petersen

Condition: New and excellent. [216 pp]

Binding: Paperback

Editor: Forward by author

Roar! It s not bad enough that Mom and Dad are heading to California, leaving Judy and Stink with Aunt Awful (er, Opal), but now Judy s two best friends are going Splitsville, too. Just when it looks like her summer is going to be BOR-ing – eureka! – Judy comes up with the most thrill-a-delic plan ever. Get ready for a race involving tightrope walking, Scream Monster riding, and way more! Add in a treasure hunt for Judy s teacher, a midnight stakeout, a runaway ice-cream truck, and a dash of Bigfoot, and what have you got? The Judy Moodiest summer ever!

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