Siete mil maneras de escuchar: Aprende a percibir al otro y descubre tu papel en el mundo

Categories: General Interest, Self-help, Cooking

Author: Nepo, Mark

Girol Number: 11248

ISBN: 978-607-11-2610-8

Publisher: Aguilar

Location: México, DF

Year: 2013

Edition: 1 ed.

Condition: New

Binding: Paperback

Una lección magistral sobre el arte de contar historias y parábolas acerca de las esperanzas, los sueños, los anhelos, los miedos, las tristezas y los triunfos de las personas. Mark Nepo ha escrito una obra de referencia en la práctica espiritual que se centra en aprender a escuchar el sonido que predomina en nuestra vida privada y pública.
The Book of Awakening, a spiritual daybook that draws on his awakening through cancer to offer life lessons from all the spiritual traditions. In his continuing exploration of the human journey, Nepo has been called “one of the finest spiritual guides of our time,” “a consummate storyteller,” and “an eloquent spiritual teacher.” In his latest book, he inquires into the endless ways we are asked to listen. We listen to awaken our heart. We do this to stay vital and alive.”

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