Maya: the Riddle and Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization

Categories: Civilization, Culture, Religion

Author: Gallenkamp, Charles

Girol Number: 13538

ISBN: 978-84-999999-13538-G

Publisher: David McKay Company

Location: New York

Year: 1976

Edition: Revised and expanded ed.

Illustrator: Dolona Roberts

Condition: Used. Excellent condition. 24 pages of photos.

Binding: Hardcover

Since the first edition of this book was published in 1959, the study of Maya archaeology has benefited from a tremendous amount of intensive research. Major excavations have been conducted at Tikal, Seibal, Altar de Sacrificios, Dzibilchaltún, and several other key sites, adding significantly to our knowledge of the subject. Information pertaining to almost every aspect of Maya civilization—particularly its origins, sociopolitical structure, economy, intellectual achievements, and the possible causes behind its mysterious decline—has undergone a sweeping reevaluation. Important ethnological and linguistic studies involving contemporary Maya Indians were initiated, some of which bear directly on archaeological problems; and there has been a substantial increase in the volume of scientific literature concerning recent investigations.

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