Master the Basics in Spanish

Categories: Language Learning: Supplementary materials

Author: Kendris, Christopher

Girol Number: 2255

ISBN: 978-0-8120-9003-9

Publisher: Barron's

Location: Hauppage, NY

Year: 1987

Master the Basics language books are concise yet comprehensive handbooks that make fine supplements to language textbooks in high school and college courses. In addition to school use, these books are effective brush-up tools for international travelers and business persons who want to improve previously acquired language skills.

Each book is divided into many chapters covering basic language review topics. The structure of each chapter embraces an introductory diagnostic test with answers, a review of the chapter subject, and a closing test that measures the reader’s learning process. Topics covered include grammar, pronunciation, parts of speech, idioms, telling time, days and months, and synonyms and antonyms.

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