Los santos inocentes + CD – Level 5

Categories: Language Learning: Graded Readers, Abridged editions

Author: Delibes, Miguel

Girol Number: 11291

ISBN: 978-84-9713-124-7

Publisher: Santillana

Location: Barcelona

Collection: Leer en español

Condition: New

Binding: Paperback

Enslaved by their master, Paco and his family work from sunrise to sundown. Azarias is his naive and solitary brother-in-law, whose only concern is taking care of his bird, a goshawk. 
Sometida al amo, la familia de Paco trabaja de sol a sol en el cortijo. Azarias, su cuñado, un hombre inocente y solitario, no piensa más que en cuidar a su pequeño pájaro, la milaña. Frente a esta pasión, la del señorito Iván por la caza.

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