La poesía indígena de México

Categories: Literary Criticism

Author: Ortiz de Montellano, Bernardo

Girol Number: 13304

ISBN: 978-84-999999-13304-G

Publisher: La Nación

Location: México, D.F.

Year: 1935

Condition: Used. Original binding. The front cover is upside down and back to front. Text is clear. Paper has aged but is not fragile. Heavy shelf wear with bent edges and some tearing on covers. Stitching on cover is still in good condition. Difficult and valuable

Binding: Paperback with flaps

Me propongo en estos apuntes iniciar la revalorización de la poesía indígena de México, interpretándola por su significado espiritual más que por su contenido histórico… [Bernardo Ortiz de Montellano].

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