Growing up on the Playground (Nuestro patio de recreo)

Categories: Children: Picture and Storybooks

Author: Luna, James

Girol Number: 13566

ISBN: 978-1-55885-871-8

Publisher: Piñata Books

Location: Houston, TX

Year: 2018

Edition: 1.ed.

Condition: New

Binding: Hardback

"On Ana’s first day of kindergarten, the slide stood like a mountain." The other kids in her class encourage her to glide "down, down, down, to the bottom and her new friends."

Young readers will relate to these elementary school children playing outside. In first grade, Ana meets Karina, who becomes her best friend. Together, they swing higher and higher as they try to kick the sky! In second grade, Ana and her friends dangle like monkeys, eat pretend bananas and call out, "Ooo, ooo, ooo! Can you do what we do?" As they grow, the kids learn to play new games on the playground: basketball, soccer and even handball.

Acclaimed children’s book author James Luna uses short, simple text and active words to depict children at play. They swing and hang, dribble and shoot, pass and kick, laugh and learn. And when they get to sixth grade, they have to say good-bye to their school’s playground. But someday they will return!

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