El alquimista

Categories: Best Sellers in translation to Spanish

Author: Coelho, Paulo

Girol Number: 1001

ISBN: 978-0-06-251140-9

Publisher: Harper Collins

Location: New York

Year: 1994

Condition: New

Binding: Paperback

La mágica historia de Paulo Coelho, que trata sobre Santiago, un niño pastor andaluz que viaja en busca de un tesoro material, nos enseña la importancia que tiene el saber escuchar lo que nos dice el corazón, a aprender a leer los presagios dispersados por el camino de nuestras vidas y, sobre todo, a seguir nuestros sueños.

El alquimista, ahora por primera vez disponible en España en Norte America, ha sido aclamado en España y en América Latina como una de las novelas más importantes de la década.

Andalusian shepherd boy Santiago travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids. Along the way he meets a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself king, and an alchemist, all of whom point Santiago in the direction of his quest. No one knows what the treasure is, or if Santiago will be able to surmount the obstacles along the way. But what starts out as a journey to find worldly goods turns into a discovery of the treasure found within.

Since its first printing The Alchemist has been translated into seventy-one languages and sold forty million copies worldwide, establishing itself as a modern classic that will enchant and inspire readers for generations to come. Beautifully rendered, The Alchemist: A Graphic Novel is a must have for any collector’s library.

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