Contemporary Mexico: Papers of the IV International Congress of Mexican History

Categories: History

Author: Wilkie, James W. et al

Girol Number: 2707

ISBN: 978-84-999999-2707-G

Publisher: University of California Press (Los Angeles and London); Colegio de México

Location: Los Angeles; México

Year: 1976

This comprehensive volume offers a new and important interdisciplinary focus on Mexican history since 1910: it includes the most up to date work available in print. The editors have organized 45 papers by leading Mexicanists into a cohesive volume which treats the following topics: The background of contemporary Mexico; population, space and migration since 1910; elites and masses in contemporary Mexico; land reform; the roles of the Church and the military; official party politics; the Mexican economy and its role in Latin America; Mexican-U.S. relations; the Chicano and the Mexican; education and cultural life; periodization of contemporary Mexican history; and the present and future State of scholarship on these subjects. About half the papers are in Spanish. As part of the introduction, Lewis Hanke gives an overview of the quadrennial congresses, placing this 1973 Congress, which met in Santa Monica, into a context of developing Mexican research.

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