Cómo comprar o vender tu casa: evite cometer errores en la transacción

Categories: General Interest, Self-help, Cooking

Author: Lank, Edith

Girol Number: 6288

ISBN: 978-0-7931-2698-9

Publisher: Real Estate Education Company

Location: Chicago

Year: 1998

Edition: 1. ed.

Condition: New. Excellent condition.

Binding: Plastified softcover with flaps

Editor: Laura Garibay (trad.)

¿Qué necesito saber para vender mi casa? ¿Recibiré más dinero por mi propiedad si pago los servidos de una agencia inmobiliaria profesional? ¿Cuáles son los peligros de comprar una casa sin buscar primero ayuda profesional? ¿Qué tengo que hacer para obtener una hipoteca y qué tipo de hipoteca es la más adecuada para mí? ¿Qué es exactamente una propiedad en exclusiva?

Cómo comprar o vender tu casa responderá a estas y muchas otras preguntas sobre los conocimientos indispensables para comprar y vender una propiedad. Evite errores que le resulten costosos, retrasos en la firma de contratos, escrituras fraudulentas y pérdida de dinero utilizando este manual, único por su gran utilidad para compradores y vendedores de propiedades a la vez.

Lank provides beginners as well as experienced consumers with inside tips from the "Dear Abbey of Real Estate" (USA Today). Presenting the most commonly asked questions with straightforward answers from two different perspectives–the buyer’s and the seller’s, this book makes the real estate transaction process simple from start to finish.

From Library Journal

This real estate guide has been written especially for the lay reader and answers many of the questions every home buyer and home seller must ask, such as, What do I need to do to sell my house? Will I get more money for my property if I hire the services of a professional realtor? What types of mortgages are available and which ones are better suited to meet my financial needs? The book contains practical information for people who want to acquire a basic knowledge or a better understanding of the real estate market while avoiding some common pitfalls that could cost thousands of dollars. The language is clear and concise, with technical terms carefully defined and explained. It also follows a logical progression in the process of planning, selling, and closing any property. Recommended for public libraries. (Jose Fornes, Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.).

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