501 Spanish Verbs (with audio CD and CD-ROM)

Categories: Language Learning: Texts, Methods

Author: Kendria, Christopher; Theodore Kendris

Girol Number: 5815

ISBN: 978-0-7641-9797-0

Publisher: Barron's

Location: Hauppage, NY

Year: 2010

This new seventh edition shows students and travelers exactly how to use the 501 most common and useful Spanish verbs in all 16 tenses and moods. Each verb is alphabetically listed in easy-to-follow chart form, one verb per page with its English translation.


  • The 55 most essential Spanish verbs specially highlighted with sample sentences and related words and expressions
  • Another 2,100 regular verbs conjugated like the book’s 501 model verbs
  • Verbs used in idiomatic phrases with example sentences
  • Frequently-used phrases for tourists

Brand-new in this edition: an audio compact disc that emphasizes Spanish pronunciation and listening comprehension. Barron’s CD-ROM is more adaptable than those from other publishers because you can download it on any PC® or Mac®.

It’s an important classroom supplement for students and teachers, a self-teaching guide for international travelers and a handy reference volume for translators. Students quickly discover that learning Spanish becomes easier with this book/CD-ROM combination because it teaches verbs and verb usage systematically. In addition to the 501 verb tables, the authors have provided a wealth of additional features to help students develop a truly comprehensive command of Spanish for speaking, reading, writing, and listening comprehension. (Book with audio CD and CD-Rom)

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