Programming Paradox 4.5 for Windows

Categories: Business, Finance, Technology

Author: Jenson, Cary & Loy Anderson

Girol Number: 13621

ISBN: -0-7821-1459-8

Publisher: Sybex

Location: Alameda, CA

Year: 1994

Edition: 2. ed.

Condition: New. Excellent condition.

Binding: Plastified softcover

Programming Paradox 4.5 for Windows is the complete guide to database applications development with ObjectPAL—now in an up-to-date, expanded edition featuring:

In-depth coverage of all versions of Paradox for Windows, including the Workgroup and Development Editions

Detailed discussion about using Borland’s SQL Link to build client/server applications

Step-by-step instructions for creating Windows-based hypertext help systems using the Help Compiler

Up-to-date information on using Paradox Runtime, SQL Tools, Object Converters, the Resource Workshop, and more

You’ll find clear, hands-on treatment of every aspect of object-based, % event-driven programming with ObjectPAL—from basic concepts, to advanced techniques, to delivering a finished application.

Gain a clear understanding of objects, properties, and the Paradox for Windows event model

Make effective use of the ObjectPAL Editor and Debugger

Develop practical solutions to common programming problems and challenges

Special topics include: menu design; managing forms; controlling data entry; using TCursors; creating custom methods and procedures; creating multi-user applications for LANs; using DDE, OLE, and DLLs with ObjectPAL; and much more

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