Membrillo Papá Noel de jardín

Categories: Children: Picture and Storybooks

Author: Krings, Antoon

Girol Number: 10909

ISBN: 978-84-9801-1453-2

Publisher: Blume

Location: Barcelona

Year: 2010

Collection: Bichitos Curiosos

Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures. The garden critters bombard Quince the Elf with dozens of cards and gift lists, believing him to be Santa Claus. Quince tries to convince them otherwise, but soon warms to their devotion. As Christmas gets closer, he begins to fret about what gifts he’ll leave his neighbors and tries to improvise with some of his own belongings, only to find that there are already presents in each house. What will the real Santa Claus think about this imposter?

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