Cuentos Cuentos Cuentos, 3 (nivel superior)

Categories: Language Learning: Graded Readers, Abridged editions

Author: Moreno, Concha

Girol Number: 4470

ISBN: 978-84-7143-846-1

Publisher: SGEL

Location: Madrid


  • 3 levels of difficulty aimed at intermediate and advanced level students
  • answer key at the back of the book

This collection includes real and unabridged texts that come from Spanish and Spanish American literature. At the beginning of each reading the authors of the texts are briefly presented and each text is explored didactically from a literary and cultural point of view rather than grammatically or lexically. At the end of each reading there is a multilingual vocabulary list.

VOL. 3 (Nivel superior)

Some of the literary works covered include: Dabove, Santiago: Ser polvo; Cortázar, Julio: Los testigos; Borges, Jorge Luis: Emma Zunz; Cardenal Ernesto: El sueco.

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