Adicto al pan: recetas en menos de 30 minutos

Categories: General Interest, Self-help, Cooking

Author: Davis, Dr. William

Girol Number: 12141

ISBN: 978-607-11-3745-6

Publisher: Aguilar

Location: México, D.F.

Year: 2015

Edition: 1.ed.

Condition: New

Binding: Paperback

Adicto al pan sacudió los cimientos del mundo de la dieta cuando el renombrado cardiólogo William Davis reveló que una epidemia de efectos adversos a la salud podría ser desterrado para siempre con un simple paso: decir adiós al trigo. Adicto al pan: recetas en menos de 30 minutos gira en torno a este principio y brinda cientos de deliciosas recetas libres de trigo para toda la familia.
From appetizers to desserts, gluten-free recipes for people with celiac disease who don’t want to give up the pleasure of great Mediterranean cuisine. Eliminating foods that contain gluten (wheat, barley, oats, etc, and their derivatives) can become an incentive when it comes to maintaining delicious flavor in balanced, varied, and healthy recipes. This book defines the basic principles and advice that anyone who is gluten-intolerant should follow in the kitchen. At the same time, it compiles the best gluten-free culinary ideas, from traditional Mediterranean dishes to others that use lesser-known ingredients.

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