Las fronteras míticas del teatro mexicano

Categories: Latin American Theatre

Author: Berman, Sabina et al

Girol Number: 5716

ISBN: 978-1-61539-743-3

Publisher: LATR Books

Location: Lawrence, KS, USA

The plays of three prominent Mexican authors represent key examples of socially committed theatre. Mexico’s past and present are transposed in Sabina Berman’s Entre Villa y una mujer desnuda, leading the reader to question revolutionary ideals as well as gender roles. In Todos somos Marcos, Vicente Leñero delineates opposing, complex views related to the resurrection of zapatismo. Víctor Hugo Rascón Banda, in La mujer que cayó del cielo, presents the case of a Tarahumara woman trapped in a mental institution in Kansas. Each play brings history to the fore and encourages the reader to question his or her role in the present-day events that shape the world.

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