Conoce a Simón Bolívar

Categories: Children: Picture and Storybooks

Author: Iturralde, Edna

Girol Number: 10502

ISBN: 978-1-61435-342-3

Publisher: Alfaguara/Santillana USA

Location: Doral, FL, USA

Year: 2012

Collection: Personajes del mundo hispánico

Edition: 1.ed.

Condition: New

Binding: Paperback

Editor: Ilustraciones de Ytziar Cori Álvarez; Personajes del Mundo Hispánico

Simón Bolívar es llamado “El libertador” porque liberó del imperio español a un enorme territorio que hoy ocupan seis países latinoamericanos. En esa hazaña, que no fue nada fácil de lograr, lo acompañaron dos entrañables amigos: su caballo, Palomo Blanco, y su perro, Nevado.

Simón Bolívar is known as El Libertador because he freed an enormous territory –an area that today is shared by six South American countries– from the yoke of the Spanish Empire. Palomo Blanco, his horse, and Nevado, his dog, were his faithful companions throughout this difficult and heroic feat.

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