Abrir paso 4 (Libro de lectura y vocabulario)

Categories: Language Learning: Supplementary materials

Author: Neisser Echenberg, Eva

Girol Number: 3738

ISBN: 2-921554-61-5

Publisher: Miraflores

Location: Montreal

Year: 1993

How often have you been able to give your students texts on civil rights, ecology, dance and tourism? This volume, intended for Spanish 4, goes well beyond reviewing the subjunctive and the conditional. In the class discussions your students will encounter arguments from different points of view, and will realize how difficult it is to find solutions to some problems. The questions raised in this workbook will help students learn that world is not all black and white but that it includes many shades of grey. Although this workbook gives special emphasis on the Southern Cone countries, there are four units that deal with Spain, la madre patria.

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